[Bahasa Indonesia ]
hallo sobat, kali ini saya mau kasih tutorial hacking nih, yang suka usil-usil tapi inget jangan disalah gunain ya…
tutorial yang mau saya kasih berjumlah 341 halaman, WOOWW banyak banget…. capek bacanya.. tapi kalo bener-bener dibaca sambil praktek pasti bisa.
tutorial disini saya dapet dari forum indonesianbactrack.or.id dan menggunakan Operating System Backtrack 5.
kalo mau baca di blog ini gakpapa soalnya udah dikasih dibawah ini tinggal dibaca, kalo mau download juga boleh..
untuk lihat lewat scribd bisa kesini
Kalo mau download juga bisa disini
[Bahasa Inggris ]
hello my friend, this time I want to love ya hacking tutorials, which like nosy-nosy but do not remember incorrectly gunain yes ...
I would love a tutorial which totaled 341 pages, WOOWW loads .... tired of reading .. but if he was really reading practice can.
tutorial here I get from the forum indonesianbactrack.or.id and use Backtrack 5 Operating System.
if you want to read this blog because you've given gakpapa live read below, if you want to download may also ..
to see through Scribd get here
If you want to download also here
hello my friend, this time I want to love ya hacking tutorials, which like nosy-nosy but do not remember incorrectly gunain yes ...
I would love a tutorial which totaled 341 pages, WOOWW loads .... tired of reading .. but if he was really reading practice can.
tutorial here I get from the forum indonesianbactrack.or.id and use Backtrack 5 Operating System.
if you want to read this blog because you've given gakpapa live read below, if you want to download may also ..
to see through Scribd get here
If you want to download also here